- Introduction to Public Health
- Epidemiology
- Social and Behavioural Sciences in Health
- Environmental & Occupational Health
- Health Policy and Health Systems
- Health Management
- Public Health Nutrition
- Biostatistics
- Communicable and Non Communicable Disease
- Program Management
- Reproductive and Child Health
- Demography
- Essentials of Health Economics
- National Health Programs
- Disease Surveillance
- Research Methodology
- Health Communication & Promotion
- Gender and Health
- Health Financing and Health Insurance
- Ethics in Research
- Public Health Laws
- Impact Evaluation
- Hospital Management
- Advanced Qualitative Research
- Quality of Life interventions to prevent and manage chronic diseases
- Field Epidemiology
- Health Care Leadership and Management
- Operational Research
- Maternal and Infant Nutrition
- Advanced Biostatistics
- Nutrition Program Planning in India